
Got some free time? "ha" nothings free...

Firstly, the “free time”. Have you ever said to a customer would you like free ______ and they’ve responded with nothing is free? 💁🏼‍♂️ Well, it’s true there is always a cost in all things we do 💰 sometimes we just don’t know what they are at the time, or can’t see far enough forward to understand it, I believe that having the foresight to see it 👀 is so much more important than the experience, don’t get me the wrong experience is good but it also means its cost you once again “time” to get it. 

So I want to share some foresight with you, everything that’s happening at the moment will pass, the virus will pass, the economic downturn will pass, the jobs will return, the toilet paper 🧻 will return 🤣 and some people will one day go 🤦🏼‍♂️wow things seem like they did before all that coronavirus stuff happened, they’ll then look around and see all the people in the same boat and then one day they’ll stumble across someone who’s doing really well, maybe their career has taken off 🚀 maybe they are headed off on that 3 month holiday across some foreign continent 🗺maybe they have gone through a physical/mental transformation and are now on a completely different path 🙌🏼 

I know which person I want to be, and it isn’t the one that’s “FINDING OUT” things have moved on without me! I also know for things to change I have to change, for things to get better I have to get better 💪🏼and the same goes for all of you, I know that because nobody has achieved any of their long term goals or aspirations and there’s a reason for that, we’re not good enough to achieve them, YET☝🏼 

So what am I doing, I’m using the time I have now to get better, but that’s pretty vague, so let me be specific:

Financially 🤑

Super important right now, why? Our capacity to make it has been removed, and whilst we are pivoting it’s important to be across it, so I’ve gone through all of TMC’s expenses, I’ve used the climate to gets things like rent, printing, subscriptions lowered or even frozen altogether, I’ve lowered TMC’s fixed expense now by over $1,700 per month and I’ve still got a couple of things I’ve been working on. That’s $20,000 a year imagine if I did it 12 months ago 🤯

Personally, we’re eating in every night, so we haven’t got a takeaway or Uber eats in over 3 weeks, how about all that extra cash, I don’t pay myself a big wage, and I’ve already lowered it 2 weeks ago but this week alone We’ve got an extra $450 in our “weekly expenses” account. We’ve actually been spending a little more on the groceries shop but a lot less overall, no eating out, no takeaways or date nights etc. We are treating ourselves to some top-grade produce at home to still “enjoy” life we are saving our extra cash for “just in case”. 

Physically 💪🏼 

Follow me on insta? Poor you, apart from the “TikToks” I’ll get to that. I’ve been ramping up the home workouts to stay in shape. Everyones different but I personally MUST have a physical output daily to be good mentally, I notice it if I don’t. 

  1. I know they won’t be the same as at the gym, the biggest weight I’ve got is 20kgs, but I’ve changed my goals, training more endurance, increasing mobility, etc etc. 

  2. Have a set place and time - routine is key. 

  3. Find a program to follow, so many companies and people are putting out free content at the moment, get on board and create/continue a habit. Create accountability and get a good sweat going and train some new skills. 

Mentally 🤗 

Anyone an extrovert? I’m sure social distancing and no outings has you on edge haha. You’ve surely heard me say sales is 80% attitude and 20% skills, well to tell you the truth, life is. We need to continue to work on our attitudes and make them stronger than ever. 

  1. Make the choice that this time is here to make you great, you don’t want to be thinking “just get through it” but “this is my time to be extraordinary” how? Well easy, just do extra! 

  2. I’ve limited my social media, and I stay the fuck away from the news. 

  3. I’ve been off the TV more this year anyway, only watching the odd Disney movie and live sports. I’m making sure I don’t just lay around doing nothing and losing 3hrs. 

  4. I’ve been doing cold showers in the mornings and evenings 🥶 

  5. I’ve read 2 books already 🤓

  6. I’m doing an online course to learn the adobe suite 🧠 

  7. I’ve reviewed and rewrote my personal long term goals 🎯 

  8. I’ve been making sure to have “fun” at home, spending quality time, not just TV with my daughter and wife, did you hear we are doing Tiktoks? is our little thing atm, good fun and some laughs, baking with Lyla, you get the idea.

  9. Scheduled a zoom call, 6 mates and I had a beer 🍺 or 2 🍻 together Friday night. Good laughs and a catch-up.

  10. I’m looking for new things to do, like this blog, shooting video’s and playing around with editing, different ideas, embracing being a rookie and learning about things I know nothing about.

All things to help strengthen a positive attitude 🔥 

I’m sure there are some your doing, maybe some you’re not. If we can create better habits, financially, physically and mentally we are on your way to making this period the moment our trajectory changed for the better.


Michael Lambert