
I'm not chasing dollars, I'm chasing cents!

I have a question for you? If you were to take a job for a month and they offered you the following 2 different payment methods which one would you take?

would you rather be paid 1 Million dollars upfront?


be paid 1 cent that would double each day and at the end of the month, you can collect?

The instinct of most people is to take the million, after all, 1 cent double is going to take forever to get past the million right?

Well 1 cent double every day for 30 days equals $5,368,709.12

want to change your answer?

This is something that highly successful people understand. Now nobody is presenting this offer but understanding that something small done consistently over time will blow a major effort done once or twice out of the water.

This is what separates the elite from the many, it’s why some people who have the same opportunities as everyone else achieve so much more.

Whilst society has people running around looking for the millions dollar payday upfront, the diet pills and 7-day cleanses the get rich quick schemes that will have you driving your dream car and living in your dream house next week.

The ones who will truly reach their goals are doing the little 1 cent tasks day in day out that will have them achieving what they set out to do.

I love this time of year, there is so much hope that a new year brings, hope for change, growth and achievement my question to you is;

What are your 1 cent tasks that will make those hopes and dreams a reality?

Not today, not tomorrow but when it has truly been earned.

Mike Lambert.